Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Why Is Journalism Important Essay - 1409 Words
Why is journalism important? With the reference to the literature, critically assess the role of journalism in a democratic society. The responsibility of the awkward question has to be asked by someone and the journalist is the one who craves this duty. They are the ones who grab the challenge with both hands and seek for the truth. This is the essence of journalism and why it matters so much to free society. Its offerings of informative answers in plain English make it accessible to all. In a democracy where politicians believe their own spin and freely offer their viewpoint on current issues it is crucial for journalists to actively seek information and knock on closed doors to reveal what is really happening. However, this applies†¦show more content†¦Journalism is also required to scrutinise government and big business. In his book The Universal Journalist (2007) David Randell says that good reporters should: ...afflict the comfortable and scrutinise the action and inaction of governments, elected representatives and public services. In the case of government it is critical they are held to account f or their actions so that they are reminded of whos interests they are meant to represent. In many cases journalism applies restraints on government. By alerting people to various amendments and bills that are planned for discussion in the houses of government public opinion can be expressed in favour or opposition and limit the actions of those in power as well as dictate policy in many cases. This is one of the reasons that journalism is known as the Fourth Estate. Due to the power it wields the collective nature of journalists is ranked after the institutions of Lord Spiritual (Clergymen of the House of Lords), Lords Temporal (Life peers of the House of Lords) and Commons (MPs in the House of Commons). Lord Macaulay, a nineteenth century poet and politician, said on the matter: The gallery in which reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm. (Cole.P. 2005.) As many members of the public are not permitted, or just do not have the time to sit in Parliament, attend council meetings or listen to committee reports they must rely on the media to communicate the facts to them. Looking at business theShow MoreRelatedWhy Citizen Journalism Is Important1031 Words  | 5 Pagesthe newspaper. Professionals are also not the only people that can give us news. Citizen journalism is public amateur people collecting and reporting news and information (Wall, 2015). There are many risks and opportunities that comes with citizen journalism. This essay will describe these risks and opportunities in detail and will also discuss what compels a citizen journalist, why citizen journalism is important and how it is on a rise and continue to grow. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Effective Malaria Treatment In Tanzania Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
1 Introduction Malaria is a disease which is caused by mosquito bite on human organic structure. It threatens 1000s million people wellness in full Torrid Zones and semitropicss particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. The influence of malaria on the wellness and economic systems is immense. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Malaria Treatment In Tanzania Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this part over one million people die every twelvemonth because of malaria and most of them kids under the age of five. To contend this staggering job it have in recent old ages been on the docket for both affected provinces and international giver bureaus. Access to an effectual and prompt intervention for immature kids and pregnant adult females is regarded as really of import. The ACCESS programmes aim is to turn to jobs sing entree to effectual and prompt malaria intervention in rural Tanzania. The result of the work should ensue in proper steps to heighten the cognition of recognize symptoms, the demand of right intervention and increase the handiness of medical specialty and quality of supervising. The most vulnerable groups which are kids under the age of five and pregnant adult females is focused in the plan. The country in Tanzania that are included in the survey is the two territory of Kilombero and Ulanga in the south-east. The two territories is separated by the Kilombero River and forms the Kilombero Vally floodplain. The handiness to the Kilombero territory is by a largely unpaved route that are connected to the Tanzania-Zambia main road. To make the Ulanga territory with vehicles the solely connexion is a motorised ferry over Kolombero River. 2 Undertaking facts The population of the two territories in 2002 were 517000 and most people get their supports from farming. For most households the agriculture is done in distant Fieldss in the flood plains. A consequence of the distance to the Fieldss is that households are forced to travel to their agriculture sites during the cultivating period. They spend up to six months in the Fieldss and during this clip unrecorded under simple conditions and are more open to mosquito. The cultivating period coincides with the high malaria transmittal season and as a consequence of this malaria spreads widely and repeatedly during this period. Based on these facts the Ifakara Health and Research and Development Center along with the Swiss Tropical Institute has examined and implemented a batch of malaria control intercessions like insecticide-treated cyberspaces ( ITN ) . In add-on to that there are two chief attacks in the ACCESS intercessions. Through societal selling attacks by increasing the petition for right malaria diagnosing and intervention throughout the community With the aid of preparation, instruction, enhanced supportive supervising and new nosologies make the supply of quality malaria case-management stronger. To advance these attacks three chief countries of intercessions has been undertaken. Area1: Behavior alteration Sensitization of community leaders Social selling chiefly through route shows Particular runs in Mother and Child Health ( MCH ) clinics Improved entree for families passing the cultivation period off from place Area2: Improved quality of attention in wellness installations Area3: Improved malaria instance direction in drug merchandising stores 3 Issues of SD sing this undertaking In the ACCESS undertaking issues refering SD which are stated below can be found. These issues are besides described how they are included in the three countries of intercessions that are involved in the programme. Health attention Education Human demands Gender Equity Economic Capacity edifice 3.1 Area 1 Sing the different actions undertaken in the behaviour alteration attack SD issues like wellness attention, instruction, human demands, gender and equity. a ) Health attention Through these societal selling messages the people aware strongly the malaria symptoms and immediate intervention the right medical specialty and good protecting equipment like ITN and IPTp ( Intermittent Preventive Treatment in gestation ) . B ) Education Dramatic shows at the roads having about malaria disease. To do people effectual attending dance competitions were conducted. Theater shows portraying right intervention through function dramas were performed. Effectss of malaria were taught through public talk. Besides cinema show on malaria intervention was run. Feedback Sessionss at the terminal for better interactions. During the feedback session promotion-materials were distributed to the audience. Posters and hoardings were put up in small towns and along roads. degree Celsius ) Human needs The acknowledgment of the demand to heighten the cognition about malaria and the undertakings undertaken in this intercession country interrelate to human demands. vitamin D ) Gender Pregnant adult females and female parents of kids under the age of five and kids under the age of five are the mark group for the undertaking. vitamin E ) Equity The undertaking stresses the importance of people?s handiness to entree wellness attention. During the cultivation period people stay in the Fieldss and the handiness to medicate is poorer. 3.2 Area 2 For the undertaking to better quality of attention in wellness installations aspects like instruction, economic and wellness are dealt with. a ) Health attention In this intercession enhanced quality of attention was focused chiefly. Correct diagnosing with the counsel from Integrated direction of childhood unwellness ( IMCI ) algorithm and enhanced laboratory diagnosing. Ordering the right drugs and exact dose of antimalarials, febrifuges. Proper and right advice on how to forestall malaria and better intervention. B ) Education The wellness installation staff were trained on malaria intervention through initial refresher preparation. Routine supportive supervising was strengthened. Introducing quality direction strategy at all wellness installations. degree Celsius ) Economic The preparation which was based on IMCI algorithm has proved that it is cost effectual since it was done by agencies of coaction between the staffs and council wellness direction squads in rural Tanzania. In add-on to that they have introduced rapid diagnostic trial ( RDT ) an impracticable thought to microscopy which was one time once more proved to be cost effectual. vitamin D ) Capacity edifice There was a Joint venture between supportive supervising and quality direction in order to increase their capacity. 3.3 Area 3 This intercession which reference to better malaria instance direction in drug merchandising stores concern SD issues sing capacity edifice and instruction. a ) Capacity edifice Through the debut of Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets ( ADDO ) in the two territories the trade channels and entree to medical specialties and pharmaceutical services enhanced. B ) Education To beef up the consciousness and behaviour of ADDO proprietors of and the forces the undertaking have provided instruction. 3.4 The ecological, economic and societal facets In a undertaking like ACCESS which focal point is to analyse and better intervention and attention for a disease the ecological portion have a minor impact in the work in this instance. Social and economic demands for people is more critical. The SD issues that are stated earlier all have to interrelate for a successful result of a undertaking like this. The demand for worlds in the country to acquire keep to proper medical specialty and intervention is obvious and this emphasis the human demand. The chosen attack to better the cognition amongst people to acknowledge symptoms and the demand for prompt intervention for illustration links instruction and wellness together. As the chief mark group is pregnant adult females, immature female parents and kids under five this can be regarded as a gender affair that is interrelated in all issues. Even if the people know how to handle malaria and they have accessibility to anti-malarias they need to hold money to buy it. In the respect of regional, national and international interrelatedness of a undertaking like this it can be benchmark and applied in different topographic points and to other diseases 4 Issues of SD excluded in the undertaking Torahs Even the authorities has taken some enterprises to set about effectual malaria intervention it would be better if the authorities has introduce or do some regulations and ordinances. Environment One could sing the exposure to mosquito in the Fieldss as an environmental issue but no measurings within the undertaking is taken 4.1 Suggestions/feedback related to this undertaking Torahs For illustration the authorities can do a regulation like household card for the poorer 1s while the hapless 1s non able to entree the quality and effectual intervention. Family card meant for acquiring medical specialties at a cheaper rate aided by authorities Environment Within the undertakings framework some probe sing the exposure and how to minimise it could hold been performed. Possibly some information on how to protect yourself against mosquito could hold been provided. Possibly some bio-friendly pesticide could be used during the mosquito genteelness period to cut down the degree of exposure during the cultivation period. 5 Consequences The sensitisation of community leaders were rather successful in the facet of engagement. On mean 90 % of the invited attended these meetings. The route shows were besides by and large good attended. The work forces were nevertheless 2,2 times more likely to hold attended these shows although adult females and kids was the focal point group in the undertaking. The particular runs done in MCH clinics have up to the beginning of 2007 resulted in that about 28 % of adult females in generative age has attended such session. In Ulanga have 89 % of the wellness installations received training Sessionss to better the cognition and in Kilombero that figure is 93 % . The handiness to proper medical specialties has in the two territories increased through the ADDO programme. The quality of advice in these accredited stores has besides shown to be better than in an ordinary drug store. 6 Decision To reason, this undertaking which was done by Ifakara with the great support from Swiss Tropical Institute and ACCESS has widely used SD constructs in every intercessions. The premier focal point of the undertaking dealt with wellness attention of people refering to a developing state which is one of the major points discussed in every acme of developed and developing states related to SD. In footings of wellness attention, instruction, human demands, gender and equity there were actions taken in the intercession 1 and in footings of quality of attention in wellness installations sing instruction, economic and wellness there were actions in intercession 2.In intercession 3 the chief facet of SD was to develop i.e. educate the store keepers every bit good as the poorer people. In such a mode the SD constructs has been widely used and researched by the ACCESS programme I. From the results and experiences of ACCESS I the ACCESS plan has started the 2nd stage in May 2008 and its premier focal point was enhanced handiness to effectual malaria intervention for pregnant adult females, kids under the age of five and immature female parents. The Phase II continuance is similar to phase I and it is about 3 old ages. How to cite Effective Malaria Treatment In Tanzania Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Literature Review of Strategic Management In Non Profit Organization
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management In Non Profit Organization. Answer: Introduction Strategic managementis the process of identification and implementation of tactics by which managers of the organisation can achieve the aims and objectives. in order to reach the Strategicmanagement is important especially for the non-profit organizations as it serves to satisfy the stakeholders including donors, volunteers, executive directors, clients and staffs who are important and essential part of the success of the non-profits (Bryce, 2017). The strategicmanagement in non-profit organizations helps in continuous planning, controlling, assessment and analysis of all that is important operations of the business for achieving organizational goals and objectives of the company (Hill Jones, 2013). Methodology The method theta has been implemented to carry out the process of research is based on the topic. As the research is based on the systematic literature review the data that is gathered to reach the conclusion and answer the research question is all taken by the process of secondary data collection. It is the process by which the previous work of other authors and scholars are used to come to a conclusion, in this process the researcher is not going to base the findings and the result of the research on any new information. Systematic review is focused on addressing the issue by identifying, critically evaluating and integrating the result of all related studies. Google Scholar is a great platform to carry out this study. This is a service provided by Google where academic journal articles are found in form of PDF files. With the help of Keywords the researcher can find the previous work that has been done by other authors. The number of articles that is going to be used in the litera ture is in between 20-25 and the time period that has been selected to review the work is in between 2010-2017. As the topic that has been chosen is more theoretical the researcher will focus more on journals that have qualitative research more than quantitative. Literature Review Definition of non-profit organisation A non-profit organization (NPO) is a business entity whose aim and objective revolve around creating social value in the process of operation. The idea of NPOs is to develop and maintain a sustainable environment in the society by helping the people who are in need as well as focusing on the sections of the society that is being neglected (Weerawardena et al., 2010). On the other hand, according to Tabaku Mersini (2013), the nonprofit segment is usually addressed as the third sector, independent sector, voluntary sector, philanthropic sector, social sector, tax-exempt sector or the charitable sector. The similarities in between these definitions are that they both agree that the nonprofit is section that is focused on creation of value. The difference in the definition lies in the fact that the second definitions gives a more concrete idea about the sector and focuses on the aspects of the business. Definition of strategic management Formulation of a plan is different form creating a strategy the planning process comes after the strategy has been laid down. In a non-profit seeking organisation the operations of the business has a very different tone, as it is driven by values the strategies that are implemented by themanagement are also focused on the value creation (Anheier, 2014). According to Bao, (2015), it can be defined as the dynamic process of planning, observation, inspection and evaluation of the factors that is important for a business organisation. The two definitions explain the role and importance of strategic management. Formulation of a business model for non-profit organisation Developing a business model is regarded as one of the first step towards strategic management. According to Polonsky Grau (2011), it is essential to understand and map the organisation to carry forward the process of business operation. Identification of the source of finance is one of the important aspects of a business model in the non-profit sector. Resource allocation and persuasion are the next most important aspects that are focused by the non-profit seeking originations (Jungbok, 2015). Understanding the business environment A company is impacted by the internal as well as the external business environment. The internal environment is in the control of the organisation, on the other hand the external environment is not under the control of the company hence the company should be aware of the factors and formulate the management strategies accordingly (Domanski, 2011). Balanced Scorecard According to Hartnett Matan (2011), there can be a number of ways to evaluate the success the nonprofit as accomplishments of the organisation are focused from the perspective of the stakeholders. The tool that is used to measure the success is perspective with the help of BSC; the organisation can concentrate on determining and monitoring the cause and effect relationships between the important aims and have an accurate report on leading and lagging initiatives. This process will supply substantial evidence to form the decisions rather than guessing which fund raising campaigns, events and services are valuable to the stakeholders. Sundin et al., (2010), states that BSC has the ability to help the management of the companies with multiple objectives by applying systematic analysis of the objectives of the stakeholders and balancing it with the objective of the organisation by using the perceived cause and effect relationships between the aims and actions taken by a non-profit seeki ng organisation (Greiling, 2010). Resource Dependency Theory This theory states how external resources of an organisation impact the behavior of the organisation (Bryant Davis, 2012). As funds rising are one of the most important aspect of a non-profit organization external resource dependency theory is appropriate for the application in strategic management of a NPO (Velayutham et al., 2012). The theory recommends that the behavior of the company is directly impacted by the management of the organisation this dependency on an external resource like donated funds and gifts in kind. Voluntary financial support is not only the biggest concern of small scale organisation but also it is a major issue for the company which operates on a much larger scale both nationally and internally. Scherhag Boenigk (2013), conducted a study regarding the cultural treatment of a donor of the organisation with respect to communications in between the organizations and their donors or perspective people who could donate. The authors argue that the organizations in order to keep the funds following in the process of operation treat the wealthier and the most profitable donors in a superior manner so that they can build a strong value oriented relation and make the process of donation permanent. The dependency of the resources of a non-profit organisation is large in terms of the stakeholders of the company as well because they are the ones who create the process of resource accumulation and resource allocation in order to receive optimal operation. In the study conducted by Akingbola (2013), the author states that all organizations are heavily dependent on the human resource associated with the company. In order to smoothly operate and develop companies need to bank on some of the other aspects as well. The importance or the significance of the resource to the organization is determined by the authority and influence the factor that represents the resource has on the organisation. Influential and important stakeholders of the company are as sociated with the resources that are most important for the organisation. The significant factors based on this theory enjoy their influence based on a combination of factors regarding the resource they offer: the level of significance the resource provide for the organisation, the level of control the factor has on the distribution of the resource, and the level of switching cost of the resource (McDonald et al., 2015). Communication management Communication is essential for any company operating in any industry in order to deliver the message the company have for the various stakeholders. Depending on the nature of the business and the purpose of the message companies come up with a strategic communication management plan so that the messages are delivered to the right target at the tight time (Wiggill, 2011). The idea of strategic communication management is to align the communication process of the organization with the objectives and aims of the organisation. For a non-profit organisation one of the main aims is to develop a strong bond of mutual understanding with the stakeholders of the company who are responsible of the inflow of resources that in turn help in running the organisation. Wiggill(2011), argues that the lack of knowledge for an organisation is a bigger issue for a nonprofit organization when it comes to implementing the communication process. In order to effectively implement the communication strategies the company should be aware of the full potential of the company. According to Kong (2010), suggest that both informal and formal means have to be employed by a NOP so that the company can conduct a two-waycommunicationbetween the stakeholders. The devices can include organizational culture, missions, values, employee satisfaction surveys, and newsletters etc. The media that is chosen to communicate is dependent on the nature of the message and also on the direction of the message towards the particular stakeholder that that company is targeting to communicate with. If the selection of medium is wrong then the purpose or the meaning of the message has the chance to change Kong (2010). On the other hand, the authors Maxwell Carboni (2014), state strategic communication not only differs with the stakeholders but also changes with the network the company is dealing with. As this would ensure that the relationship in between all the stakeholders of the organisation have a strong bond with the organisation, it will also help the company gain in terms of resource as many customers who have no history of donation may be transferred into a donator. Skill development and training is essential for this model to work successfully especially the human resource and the other internal fact (Modi Mishra, 2010). Marketing concept Marketing mix is a concept in strategic management which is essential for any organisation. It is a tool that is used by the companies to plan and organize the present and future policies and formulate decisions to achieve the goals of the organisation. Mano, (2010) state that marketing for a non-profit organisation to meet the demands of the environment to combat or decrease uncertainty and sustain organisational performance to excellence. Because the performance measuresofNPO may impact on the diverse nature of the judgment. Therefore, planning and organisation must be implemented to suggest the relationship in between the performance and effect on the multiple factors of the company. NPOs do not operate on the standard business model hence the standard business marketing strategies are not suited to the complex, dynamic, volunteer- and community-oriented, mission-driven nature ofnon-profit organisation (Mano, 2010). Tabaku et al. (2013), states that CRM or cause-related marketing is a suitable supply ofproceeds for a not-for-profitorganizations. The cause of an organisation is aligned with the marketing tactics of the company which ensures that the people associated with the marketing process are always aware of the cause for which the company operates. Conclusion The organizations that operate in the third-sector are the beacon of sustainability and ethics in the business sector. The above concepts and definitions that are reviewed in the literature state the compatibility of the concepts with the non-profit organizations and state the importance of strategic management of the sector. As these organizations operate on a value based, voluntary service the companies have to implement the process in a very tactful manner. The nature of the organizations is such that the standard business strategies do not apply to the efficiency of the organization which makes it imperative to strategies the management. The business model will help the company identify with the changes in the in the environment and map possibilities of growth in the future along with deal with present opportunities. The BSC and the resource development theory digs deep into the operations suggesting ways and means the organizations may implement to develop a strategic management . References: Akingbola, K. (2013). A model of strategic nonprofit human resource management.Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations,24(1), 214-240. Anheier, H. (2014).Nonprofit organizations: Theory, management, policy(2nd ed.). London: Routledge. Bao, G. (2015). What theories are needed for strategic management?Nankai Business Review International,6(4), 433-454. Bryant, P., Davis, C. (2012). REGULATED CHANGE EFFECTS ON BOARDS OF DIRECTORS: A LOOK AT AGENCY THEORY AND RESOURCE DEPENDENCY THEORY. Bryce, H. J. (2017).Financial and strategic management for nonprofit organizations. Walter de Gruyter GmbH Co KG. Domanski, J. (2011). The analysis and synthesis of strategic management research in the third sector from early 2000 through to mid-2009.Foundations of Management,3(2), 27. Greiling, D. (2010). Balanced scorecard implementation in german non-profit organization.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,59(6), 534-554. Hartnett, B., Matan, R. 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